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Academic Excellence Bursary

Textile Design A-Level at The Bedford Sixth Form 2021

Being academically excellent can be rewarding at The Bedford Sixth Form.

The Bedford Sixth Form is offering an Academic Excellence Bursary of £2,000.

The purpose of the Scheme is to ensure our highest-performing students are not distracted by having to look for work to meet travel and other costs.

The bursary will be paid in 8 instalments over the two years based on the student meeting certain terms and conditions. Checks will be made prior to each payment to make sure the terms and conditions are being met.

The Academic Excellence Declaration:

I understand that, in order to receive my Bursary for Academic Excellence payments, I must maintain the following levels of performance:

  1. Attend at least 95% of all timetabled sessions in the period since the previous payment
  2. Arrive punctually to at least 95% of all timetabled sessions
  3. Maintain a clean disciplinary record
  4. Attend any activities/trips that The Bedford Sixth Form deems essential or necessary for the successful completion of my programme
  5. Hand in all set work to deadline
  6. All work that is formally assessed must be of at least an effort grade 3 for each subject I study.

I understand that, should I withdraw from Bedford Sixth Form or transfer to another course which does not meet the criteria for receiving this Bursary, all payments will cease.

I confirm that the bank account details I have given are correct and take responsibility for notifying The Bedford Sixth Form of any changes.

Please note that if your household income is £40,000 or less per annum you can apply for the college bursary scheme in addition to the AEB.

Further Information


Eligibility:  You may qualify for the bursary if you achieve five GCSE grade 9-7 which must include English and Maths. You will need to study on one of our full-time A-Level / Diploma combination programmes and meet a range of terms and conditions throughout your two years of study. This bursary is not means tested and is paid over the two years.

How it works

We will check that you are meeting all of the terms and conditions of the bursary before each payment is made.

As long as all of the conditions are met, you will be paid for each year of the course.  In each year of the two-year course, payments will be made up to 4 times at intervals beginning in the first term to the amount of £250.00 each.

The money will be paid directly into your bank account by BACS, so if you do not already have a bank account you will need to set one up.

How do I apply?

The Academic Excellence Bursary  should only be completed by students under 19 that hold five GCSE grades 9-7 including English Language and Maths. If you commence your course in September and are eligible, click here.

Anything else?

Within the bursary application portal, a declaration should be flagged to confirm that you will attend all lessons regularly and punctually, work hard towards your qualifications, complete all your assignments on time and behave in accordance with The Bedford Sixth Form code of conduct. Available to home fee status students only.