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Chess: Is It Really What Saves Us?

Bedford Sixth Form students
Story by: Archie Monton-Black

We’ve all heard of chess before. The name resonates with us in some capacity, if not for the knowledge of the game itself, then a household name that our parents used as a comparison for real life circumstances. The modern generation typically shows no interest in it. Just a board game… right?

Well, it may mean more than just pieces on a board. What if we are actually the pieces on the board in this game of life? (Just hang on).

For anyone who is unaware of the rules of chess, here is a brief explanation for you. In total, there are 32 pieces on the board, in two contrasting colors: white & black. Two players control one side of the board each, with the main aim of the game being to ‘checkmate’ your opponent. This is done by getting your opponent’s king into a position where it will be captured on the next turn no matter where it moves.

graphic of chess board

The pieces move in different ways, with the pieces having different values that they are recognised by (points). Considering the placement of the pieces, it’s interesting to toy with the thought of WHY they are placed like this. The king & the queen at the very back of the board being protected by their ‘loyal servants’ can be compared to today’s class system, with upper classes relying on the work of the less fortunate (lower value pieces), in order to secure their safety and make sure the ‘GAME’ can be continued.

Of course, this is subject to speculation, but considering the context of when and where the game of chess was invented, it’s a hard factor to avoid. But the big question: how do we WIN this game?

That’s a question to be answered next time.


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