Exciting employers and universities joined a line-up at The Bedford Sixth Form in Bromham Road for a careers event which included lectures and informal chats at stands.
Bedfordshire Police, ASHE Construction, Pell Frischerman, the House of Commons, Bedford & District Cerebral Palsy Society, the Foreign Commonwealth Development Organisation, Social Work Academy, Swissport, A Star Future, Ladies be Architects (Systems Architects), National Citizen Service, Bedford Volunteer Centre, Healthwatch Bedford, Simply Education and Woburn Estates were among the speakers and exhibitors together with:
Keele University
University of Northampton
University of Lincoln
Anglia Ruskin University

Inspiring students
Michael Worthington, Student Services Coordinator:
“At The Bedford Sixth Form we aim to help each student make an informed choice about their future career plans, as well as to help them to progress into university, apprenticeships or employment. Events like The Bedford Sixth Form Careers and Wellbeing Fair are a key part of this.
“On 16th and 17th of March Sixth Formers had the opportunity to listen to talks from leading employers and top universities, attend a careers fair and complete interactive activities (as part of The Bedford College Group Virtual Careers Fair).
“Students also had the chance to find out more about the student services available at TBSF, including the learning resources centre and our new mental health wellbeing service.
“The employers attended ranged from engineering firms, such as Lockheed Martin and MBDA, through to key public service providers such as Bedfordshire Police, NHS England and even Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Services. We were also joined by universities ranging from Lincoln through to Keele, and important agencies from the voluntary sector (such as the Samaritans and Headway).
“We are thrilled that so many top quality organisations have agreed to help support this event. This is sure to inspire our students to work hard in order to achieve their goals and enrich their learning experience.”