Story by: Conner Keys
When you google ‘ways to revise’ you’re bombarded with hundreds and thousands of different techniques
…so how are you supposed to choose which one to try?
One of the hardest parts of deciding which revision technique to use is knowing what the technique actually involves.
Over a few articles I’m going to explain what different techniques involve and the benefits and limitations of each.
This article is all about ‘blurting’.
How to Blurt:
- Choose a topic you want to revise.
- On a laptop or piece of paper, write out everything you can remember about the chosen topic.
- Look through your notes and add any information you missed to you document or piece of paper in a different colour.
- Repeat for the same topic after a few days.

- You get to practice free recall.
- You can identify areas of knowledge that you are confident on or areas that need some more revision.
- Is an especially good technique for processes/studies – or just anything that has a natural order.
- You can monitor improvement of knowledge.
- Can be somewhat unhelpful if you don’t repeat the process to see how much your recall has improved.
- Potentially difficult to use for topics that don’t involve processes or chronological orders.
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