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Would a part-time job be beneficial for you?


By Emily Sweet

Part-time jobs are something on the minds of many students in Sixth Form.

But are they really worth it?

Despite being popular among Sixth Formers, having a job isn’t the right choice for everyone. However, if you think you can take on the additional time and commitment, a part-time job may be right for you.

Are part-time jobs worth the stress?

Eleanor Foulds states in an article for Whatuni about the benefits that ‘specialised roles can even help when applying for uni and in your future career because of the specific skillset you gain.

She also states that having a part-time job ‘boosts your CV,’ ‘prepares you for the world of work,’  and allows you to ‘earn extra money,’ as well as allowing you ‘to meet new people.’

  Part-time jobs also present the opportunity to try new things, help to build confidence and make you a more organised person.

When speaking to students within Sixth Form about their jobs, the majority of comments were positive. One student said that it gives her a constructive use of her time, and that she finds ‘learning new skills’ advantageous. Another student said that their experience has been positive overall, and that he ‘enjoyed making money’.

Why are part-time jobs beneficial?

However, if you have never had a job before, you may be worried about it interfering with your studies or negatively impacting your wellbeing. A job is time consuming and can lead to extra stress. It can be difficult to balance time spent working with homework, revision and the things you enjoy, which could negatively affect your wellbeing.

Regardless of your choice to partake in the search for a part time job, it is important to remember that you must put your studies at TBSF first as it will prepare you to get a good job in the future. Part-time jobs are a temporary opportunity that could be used as an asset it managed correctly, however the choice to not uptake this path could avoid extra pressure on your learning.

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POV: Student