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GCSE November 2022 Result Day



  • Results will be available online from 8.30am
  • If you attended the November GCSE Maths and/or English Examinations you will find your grade confirmation on Proportal
  • Proportal can be accessed directly via or via Moodle using your usual College login.
  • N.B. Individual paper marks will not be accessible online.
  • A statement of results will be posted to students home address by first class post on the 12th January 2023.
  • Certificates for these qualifications are usually issued by the Awarding Body in April and once received in College/Sixth Form will be posted to your home address
  • Results will not be given by phone or email.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access my qualification results on Proportal?
  • We recommend students check they can access Proportal before their results are expected to be released to ensure easy access.
  • The final grade for the whole qualification can be accessed on Proportal directly or via Moodle using your usual College login.
  • If you experience Proportal login issues please email
  • Then Go to information >Enrolments
  • Your results will show under the ‘Grade’ column.
How do I arrange to resit the exam in summer 2023?
  • If you are attending GCSE classes at the Bedford College Group (including Bedford Sixth form) your tutor will ensure you are entered for the examinations for Summer 2023. You should discuss with your GCSE tutor to ensure they are aware you wish to resit. The deadline for entry is 3rd February 2023.
  • N.B.If you are appealing your November GCSE result the outcome is unlikely to be available before the deadline for entries. Please ask your GCSE tutor to enter you for the exam as a precaution. Your entry can be withdrawn later if your appeal is successful.
  • If you are not enrolled for GCSE classes at the Bedford College Group (including Bedford Sixth Form) and wish to enter for your GCSE as an external candidate please contact the Examinations Office in the first instance. Entries and payment will need to be made by 1st February 2023.
How do I appeal my result?
  • All Awarding Organisations have a post results service. The process and cost of this service will vary dependent on the Awarding Organisation.
  • If your GCSE November Exam result is not what you expected you can Appeal.
  • There are deadlines for appeal and a cost. To enable you to make an informed decision you must speak to your GCSE tutor first. They may have access to your marks and the grade boundaries. They may recommend an ‘access to script’ service first if this is available.
  • If you still wish to appeal you can use this online link to request a remark and make payment
  • Please be aware of the Bedford College Group deadline for payment for Reviews of Marking is Wednesday 8th February 2023 – late applications cannot be accepted and fees must be paid in advance.
  • Please note that a request to access exam scripts must be made before 24th January 2023 if you are considering progressing to a Review of marking
  • Where an overall qualification grade is changed as a result of a review of marking then any fees will be refunded.

Be aware that marks may go down as well as up, or may stay the same.