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Top Results at The Bedford Sixth Form

The Bedford Sixth Form Library 2021

Students at The Bedford Sixth Form in Bromham Road, Bedford have shown that the very best A Level results were possible with a range including A* stars, as well as, Distinctions in Extended Diplomas.

Here are their scores and their preferred destination universities:

These students all achieved a full set of A or A* grades at A level:


Brightman, Emily:

Emily Brightman, aged 18, of Bedford hopes to become a lawyer when she has completed university.

A* A A – University of Birmingham – International Law and Globalisation


Morgan, Emily:

Emily Morgan, 18, of Sandy, Beds was inspired to take up Graphic Design after seeing brand-making challenges on The Apprentice.

A* A A – University of Lincoln – Graphic Design

JAck Results

Rodden, Jack:

Off to Oxford University to study BioChemistry is Jack Rodden who gain four A stars at The Bedford Sixth Form. He lives in Olney on the Beds/Bucks border.

A* A* A* A* – University of Oxford – Biochemistry


Rogers, Oliver:

Oliver Rogers, 18, of Toddington, Mid Beds upgraded his degree course to Accounting and Finance as a result of getting the grades which added up to a better score than he had expected.

A A A – Nottingham Trent University – Accounting and Finance

A A A – Nottingham Trent University – Accounting and Finance

These two students got the highest possible grades across an Extended Diploma and an A level:

Church, Lillith: D*D*D* & A* – London School of Economics and Political Science – Sociology

Gray, Amie: D*D*D* & A* – Loughborough University – Sport Management

These students got a very high combination of an Extended Diploma and an A level:

Betts, Eleanor: D*DD & A*

Lalsie, Luca: D*D*D & A* – University of Southampton – Psychology

Shaw, Katie: D*D*D* & B – Durham University – Marketing and Management

Paul, Manisha: D*D*D* & B – Anglia Ruskin University – Psychology with Clinical Psychology

594141 Kelly, Daisy:

D*D*D* & B – University of Birmingham – Master of Nursing

These students got very high A levels including A*:

Gochev, Daniel: A* A* C – Kingston University – Creative and Cultural Industries

Hollingsworth, Ellie: A* A B

Loeffler, Emma: A* A B – University of Birmingham – Mathematics

Richmond, Katy: A* A B – King’s College London – English

Scorer, Ellie: A* A B

These students got Three Distinctions in their Extended Diplomas and also passed an A level:

Thorman, Ashleigh: D*D*D* & C – St George’s, London – Paramedic Science

Watts, Ruby: D*D*D* & C – University of Bedfordshire – Physical Education QTS – Secondary

Ping, Chloe: D*D*D* & D – University of Bedfordshire – Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation

Paul Clarkson, Head of The Bedford Sixth Form said:

“We have shown consistently improving results for our students since opening less than a decade ago. In this year of exceptional circumstances, we are confident that, whatever the system of measurement, our students will go on to the universities of their choice.”

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