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Health & Social Care Academic Poster Exhibition

Health & Social Care Academic Poster Exhibition

In February, Health & Social Care students at The Bedford Sixth Form held an Academic Poster convention.

The purpose of the event was to help visitors understand the nature and impact of different physiological disorders. The students put the posters together and talked to visitors about the causes, signs and symptoms of two physiological disorders each. Students also assessed the impact of the disorders on the daily lives of individuals.

The task required the students to do more than the criteria set in this unit of study. Students were able to develop skills in using Publisher, as well as producing a poster that was factual, concise and professional. They also learnt appropriate ways to communicate the material in answering questions proposed to them by visitors to the convention. In order to complete this task the students had input from the learning resources team, a guest speaker and their tutor. They also had the opportunity to enhance their research and referencing skills.

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Students covered the following physiological disorders; Stroke; Coronary Heart Disease; Type 1 and 2 Diabetes; Cancer; Asthma; Osteoporosis; Crohn’s Disease; Cystic Fibrosis; Parkinson’s Disease; Alzheimer’s Disease.

Natalia Davey, Health & Social Care tutor at The Bedford Sixth Form enthused:

“I am really proud of each student that was involved. They have all met the criteria set for the presentation and the students showed excellent professionalism and knowledge. This has come from hard work and dedication.”

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