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Cutting carbon emissions

Chemistry A-Level at The Bedford Sixth Form 2021

The Bedford College Group has been awarded nearly £3 Million to cut carbon emissions on its sites across Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire.

The total of £2,831,455 came from the pioneering Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme, and enabled the Group to implement energy efficiency measures replacing fossil fuel-reliant systems with low carbon alternatives on a number of sites.

The measures include the installation of a water source heat pump, roof insulation, and solar panels. This will contribute to The Bedford College Group’s wider decarbonisation aim to be a net zero organisation by 2050.

The measures included the installation of a water source heat pump, roof insulation, and solar panels. Principally the work was on the Cauldwell St campus of Bedford College, but three other sites  benefitted from photovoltaic (PV) panels: the Zoological Education Centre at Shuttleworth College near Biggleswade, Beds; Wellingborough campus within the Tresham College estate in Northamptonshire and the Trinity buildings which are part of The Bedford Sixth Form campus in Bromham Road, Bedford.

Pat Jones, Executive Director of Finance said:

“This is really exciting, as these measures will contribute significantly to our long-term carbon saving goals and working and learning within more sustainable buildings and environments.

“This funding from the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme will support the Group to deliver real energy savings, and helps us get a step closer to our efforts to be a net zero carbon organisation by 2050.”

To find out more visit here.

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